Now i want to write tutorial how to install GoLang compiler on Ubuntu (no matter what: it can be jaunty jackalope, karmic koala or even hardy heron). So lets start!
So at first step you should go into terminal and write
export GOROOT=/home/your_name/hg
This will write into var $GOROOT your path where Go will be installed. But dont make this dir (/hg) - program will make it.
Then you should define other vars:
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=386
NOTE! In var $GOARCH you should write your processor architecture! For example: export GOARCH=amd64 or GOARCH=arm
The next step will be creation of /bin folder and addind 777 permission for it. So in your folder (/home/name) create "bin" directory and in the terminal write
chmod 777 /home/your-name/bin
export GOBIN=/home/your-name/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/your-name/bin
If you do all the right way - you will see
when you write
env|grep '^GO'
in the terminal.
Then you shoul fetch Go source files from repo. In this situation helps Mercurial.
sudo apt-get install mercurial
hg clone -r release $GOROOT
The second line will recive source code.
As you know, Go was written on C language, so you need to install C compiler (gcc) to compile Go. So in terminal write:
sudo apt-get install bison gcc libc6-dev ed
Then the last two steps. Just write in terminal
cd $GOROOT/src
and wait. If you all the same way as i describe - you will see something like that:
--- cd ../test
n known bugs; 0 unexpected bugs
In the next post i help you to write your first programm on Go!