Saturday, November 27, 2010

Simple GTK calculator

Here you can find gtk calculator on google go

To compile just do 'git checkout' and 'make example'

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why Go lang newer goes popular?

xxx: woow, did you saw new programing language from Google?
yyy: yep, but it newer will be popular...
xxx: but it's so cool!!! I can ....
yyy: languages with ":=" operator newer goes popular

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Google Go language on Google Wave

If you have an account on Google Wave service, and you want to know about golang something more - you should join the Go language wave.
To do it just write in the search string

with:public tag:golang, issue9

But if you have no account in Wave, but you want it - just write a comment with your email, and i will send you invite (I have only 7, so you should hurry!)

There were some problems with posting a comment, so you can just follow me (@go_lang) on twitter, and write a DM with your email.

Go program structure

So now I want to talk about structure of Go programm.

Every program must start from the package name. Your first program was starting from the main package, and it was
package main

Name of the package can be different.

Than, if you need, you should import some packages, for exapmle "fmt" or "math". In "Hello world!" prog we import fmt package, because we need the Printf function, which is in these (fmt) package. Full list of packages and functions, which they have you can see on the home page of the Go language: link. It's not an mandatory part, but in more then 90% you need to export some standart packages.

Next is the program code. You can first define vars with
var name = 1
var name1 = 2*60

or something like that. Then goes functions part. The main function is "main", so if you write
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Hi! \n")

it will write "Hi!". Also you can write other functions:
package main

import "fmt"
var a = 1
var text string

func list() {
fmt.Printf("Hi!!!!! \n")

func main() {


That's all for now. Next we'll see how to write Fibonacci number program, which is homework for lesson 1

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rob Pike about Go

This is the second video, that i can find in the web about Go language. This is an one hour video from a conference, where one of developers of Go making a presentation, which you can find in pdf format on Go home page (download).
You can watch presentation video on youtube or download mp4 hd file (1gb).
PS. Sorry that I dont put video here - width of site is too small.

The Go Programming Language Promo

The first Google Go promo video

Friday, November 13, 2009

fatal error: can't find import: fmt?

If you have those problem - it means that you should define $GOROOT, $GOOS and $GOARCH variables. And if you are very lazy (as me :) ) you'l need a bash script to define vars and compile source code. So create new file, for expample "compile" and add to it

export GOROOT=/home/your-name/hg
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=386
8g main.go
8l main.8
read -p "Press [enter] to continue..."

If script doesn't work - cher path to the bash (for me it's /bin/bash), path to /hg and architecture. Also if you have 64-bit x86 system - you should write instead 8 write 6. If 32-bit x86, and more - 8.
And don't forget put execution rights ot this file.